The WebGL Computational Library
Documentation Installation Textures Texture Float32Texture Int32Texture Uint32Texture ImageTexture CanvasTexture TableTexture copyTexture Solvers Solver Copy setUniformInSolvers setUniformsInSolvers SignalPlot Plot1D Plot2D Tvsx VolumeRayCaster getColormapList Probe TextureReader ProbeRecorder IntervalCaller saveCanvas APD OrbitalCameraControl MouseListener ClickListener DoubleClickListener CtrlClickListener ShiftClickListener CommandClickListener CtrlShiftClickListener ShiftCtrlClickListener LongClickListener Storage saveToXML loadFromXML xorwow random Gui Editor glMatrix

Texture (class)

Texture is the general class for all textures. All other classes are extensions of this class.


The constructor can be called as

var textureInstance = new Abubu.Texture( 
) ;

The arguments are:

  1. width

    integer number of pixels in the horizontal direction

  2. height

    integer number of pixels in the vertical direction

  3. internalFormat

    string value representing the internal format of the texture. See the table below for the possible combinations. Default value: 'rgba32f'

  4. format

    string representing the textures format. Default value: 'rgba'

  5. type

    string value representing the type of the texture. See the table below for all possible combinations.

    Default value: 'float'

  6. options

    object of optional named arguments. If none is provided, the default values will be assumed. The options object's available properties are

    • wrapS

      String indicating wrapping in the horizontal direction. Possible values are

         'clamp_to_edge'   (default)
    • wrapT

      String indicating wrapping in the vertical direction. Possible values are

         'clamp_to_edge'   (default)
    • magFilter

      Texture magnification filter. Possible values are

         'nearest'         (default)
    • minFilter

      Texture minification filter. Possible values are

         'nearest'         (default)
    • data

      One dimensional array of the appropriate size and type which can be used to initialize the texture from the JavaScript. The array type should match the texture type and the total size of texture (number of pixels \( \times \) number of color channels).

    • pairable
      boolean value representing weather texture should be paired be with a JavaScript array by default. If this option is true the value property can be used to read the texture into CPU as a one dimensional array.
      Default value: false

Instance Properties

The following properties have read and write permissions and hence can be modified.

\(^* \)Requires updating new data array as with texture size change the data cannot be automatically mapped.

\(^\dagger\)Dangerous to modify property! Only modify with caution.

\(^\ddagger \)Read-Only property.

For more information on these properties, see the explanations in the constructor section.

Available Internal Format, Format, and Types

You can see a list of possible values for the available values to be used for the internal format, format, and types of the textures. All values in the table should be type in as strings. The strings are not case sensitive. For example the internal format R8 in the table below, should be type in as 'r8' or 'R8'.

The only acceptable combinations are the ones shown in the chart below.

Combinations that are not color renderable cannot be used as render targets in the solvers.

Sized Texture Color Formats


Consider the code snippet below:

var my_texture = new Abubu.Texture( 200, 300, 
      wrapS    : 'mirrored_repeat', 
      wrapT    : 'clampt_to_edge',
      magFilter: 'linear',
      minFilter: 'nearest',
      pairable : true 
) ;

my_texture.magFilter = 'linear_mipmap_linear' ;

console.log(my_texture.value) ;

It generates a texture with the size of \(200\times300\), with an internal format of 'rgba32f' which is a 32bit float in all color channels, with a format of 'rgba' and a type of 'float'. Wrapping is initially set in the options of the constructor as well as in the minification and magnification filters. However, magnification filter is later changed by setting the instance's magFilter property.

Since the texture is pairable, the values of the pixels of the texture can be accessed by the value property and can be printed to the browser's console.